Misguided Guidance: The Failure of the U. S. Response to the China Virus

When a theory no longer fits the facts, then the reasonable thing to do is to reassess that theory, and adjust it or adopt a new one. For many months now, the theory for defeating the corona virus has incorporated these fundamentals: mask-wearing and social distancing, hand-washing, and lockdowns. [1] But after nearly a year of employing these methods to fight the virus, there has been no improvement in control of the virus: instead, the end of 2020 saw a resurgence of the virus to levels as severe as were seen in April 2020. [2] This, in spite of all the mask-wearing, social distancing, hand-washing, and lockdowns.

Is it not past time that we rethink these approaches to defeating the virus, and implement better ones?

Let’s take a look at the concepts underlying each of these anti-viral measures of the conventional wisdom.

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The Demise of the Republican Establishment

The mainstream media, big tech, and the establishment political parties are spending the day today expressing their outrage against President Trump for continuing to attack the 2020 election fraud and encouraging his supporters to demonstrate at the capitol yesterday. While such anger is a popular and entirely predictable preoccupation for these groups, it really has nothing to do with holding the President accountable for dangerous rhetoric.

That stentorious wrath is actually all about two things: pure and unadulterated vengeance against President Trump for managing to disrupt the political establishment for four years; and the effort to damage him for the future. Why an effort to damage him for the future? Because Democrat and Republican establishments alike realize that the President is the single most formidable candidate for the 2024 elections, and anything they can do now to remove him from the scene is to their political advantage.

Amidst all of this indignation, one important fact is being missed: the frustration expressed by President Trump is not simply his alone. The establishment elites completely fail to understand this. President Trump speaks for a very large percentage of the country, and therefore, the baseless attacks proceeding against him today are also attacks upon those who support him. Among those supporters must be realistically included the 80 million or so (I am counting the votes which were fraudulently deprived from the President) citizens who voted for him (since we all know that non-citizens voted exclusively for Biden).

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Blank Stare Jurisprudence, Lethargic Law Enforcement, and Blind-eye Journalism: The 2020 Presidential Election

If you had the misfortune to be a long-time San Diego Chargers fan, you know well the sick feeling you got when the Chargers began to sit on a lead in the fourth quarter, and they commenced three and out run plays on offense, along with something called the “prevent defense.” And you knew before it happened: they were going to lose again.

The very same feeling engulfed me on election night, when the vote counts in the key swing states mysteriously stopped updating, and then later, on the morning of November 4th as huge numbers of votes came rolling in for Biden, and suddenly the President’s commanding lead in those swing states was lost. You didn’t want to acknowledge it, but you couldn’t avoid the certainty: something had gone grievously wrong, and your team was going to lose.

It is apparent now, two months later, that massive fraud [1] happened that night, on a scale never before attempted in an American election. The evidence is overwhelming, including: a thousand affidavits [2] signed under penalty of perjury by election observers describing every type of election malfeasance imaginable; video evidence [3] of hidden ballots counted in Georgia without observers present; statistical analyses of wildly improbable vote spikes and vote ratios [4] in Biden’s favor coming late in the morning after those inexplicable voting shutdowns [5] in the key swing states; and computer forensics analyses [6] of Dominion Systems in Antrim County, Michigan, revealing a system which flagged 68% of all votes as having errors. The implications of such a high error level are devastating to the integrity of the election:

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